03/2022: UPDATE 2ndFLOOR e.V.s “recording project” for young musicians announced for the third time

recording project 2022

Competition of the 2ndFLOOR e.V.
The prizes are 4x two-day recording sessions in the LOFT.
Through generous support of a good friend of the LOFT, we are able to award 1.000€ for the best application.

Update 14th of June 2022:

The winners have now been determined by the jury – here is the overview (in alphabetical order, by last name):

  • Julian Drach (KLSD)
  • Samuel Restle (Samuel Restle Oktett)
  • Rothammel/Görris/Roßmüller (special price of the jury: 1.000€)
  • Edoardo Sonnenschein (Eddy Sonnenschein Trio feat. Victor Fox)

Over the past 33 years, the LOFT in Cologne has become one of the most prominent venues for jazz and improvised music in Germany. In June 2021, the LOFT was voted Club of the Year by the more than 1,300 members of the German Jazz Union as part of the German Jazz Award. Contributing to the success, in addition to the excellent acoustics, are of course the two excellent concert pianos (a Steinway D and a Yahama C3), but above all the recording studio, which is known far beyond the borders. More than 1,000 recordings from the LOFT have been released on CD or digitally.

In 2019, the association 2ndFLOOR e.V., which organizes the LOFT concerts, announced its recording project for young musicians for the first time: at that time, the Steinway D grand piano was in Hamburg for overhaul, the freed-up capacity in the recording studio was made available by LOFT operator Hans Martin Müller to 2ndFLOOR e. The other funds came from the venue program price of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, which the LOFT has always received since its inauguration 13 years ago, among other things for the promotion of regionally effective bands and up-and-coming artists.

Two successful recording projects in 2019 and 2021 are now behind us, many of the resulting recordings were released as CDs.
In January 2022, 2ndFLOOR e.V. was again awarded a prize at the award ceremony of the venue program price of the state of NRW, so that the recording project can also be announced in 2022.

The offer is principally aimed at jazz musicians from North Rhine-Westphalia and jazz students at the universities in Cologne, Essen and Mainz. Bands with an average age of up to 25 years as well as soloists who are not older than 25 years can apply. Applications with two pianists are possible.
Deadline for applications is 30th of April 2022.

Required application documents:

– short curriculum vitae of the applicant
– two recordings (also self-made documentation recordings – e.g. with Zoom or comparable – are welcome)
– short concept (max. 1,000 characters)
– overview of the line-up including age information of the musicians involved

please send by mail to: info@loftkoeln.de

A jury consisting of the chairmen of 2ndFLOOR e.V., Prof. Shannon Barnett and Prof. Sebastian Sternal, as well as the sound engineers of LOFT, Christian Heck and Stefan Deistler, will decide on the award.

Announcement as PDF for download (German only)