the guardian – ’10 of the best jazz clubs in Europe’
by Adam McCulloch 02/2016

02.06.1997 Loft
© Hyou Vielz
“The rather staid streets of Cologne’s Ehrenfeld district have become trendier over the years, so much so that this friendly 25-year-old club is flourishing, with an adventurous programme of local and international players (including many Brits) of impeccable credentials. Owner Hans Martin-Müller is actually a classical flautist with a long history of orchestral playing but his love of jazz, and the camaraderie of musicians, courses through this intimate space at the top of a nondescript residential block. It’s a lounge-in-an-attic, a place where audience and musicians readily mix and might even buy each other drinks. The jazz is modern, often purely improvisational, attracting a young, open-minded crowd.”