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WISSEL&LYTTON -science friction of flow- // live recording
Wednesday 29. September 2021 - 20:30
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Paul Lytton – table top Percussion, bits and pieces
Georg Wissel – Saxophone & Präparationen
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Der Konzertbesuch ist grundsätzlich auch ohne vorherige Anmeldung / Reservierung möglich, Kartenreservierungen helfen uns jeoch bei der Planung der Bestuhlung.
Ihre Zusammenarbeit im Duo begannen WISSEL&LYTTON in 2006, nachdem sie sich bereits zuvor in verschiedenen Großformationen kennen und schätzen gelernt haben.
Wissel nutzt neben erweiterten Spieltechniken verschiedenste Utensilien zur Präparation seiner Instrumente, während Lytton seinen Fundus sorgsamst ausgesuchter Klangerzeuger aus Haushalt und Percussion auf seinem ‘Tisch’ arrangiert und zum Leben erweckt.
So hat WISSEL&LYTTON’s Set‐Up durchaus den Charakter einer akustischen Werkstatt.
Das Duo spielt ohne vorbestimmte Konzepte oder Absprachen.
Die Zuhörer werden gleichberechtigte Zeugen eines assoziativen künstlerischen Prozesses, in dessen Verlauf mit ebenso großer Lust am Klang, als auch Sensibilität eine ausdifferenzierte Geräusch‐Klang‐Kunst‐Musik geschaffen wird.
„Wissel’s and Lytton’s set in belgrade was pretty mental. It’s amazing they keep their faces straight while playing such dense, absurdist music. Free improv that makes any sound, no matter how random, become part of their set? Yes please!“
Meho Krljic in Jazzin’ RS about WISSEL&LYTTON @ Ring Ring Festival, Belgrade, Serbia
Gefördert von:
Seit den 1990er Jahren hat sich Georg Wissel vor allem auf den Bereich der zeitgenössischen Improvisierten Musik spezialisiert.
Angeregt durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Musikern und Komponisten der aktuellen elektronischen Musik, nimmt, neben der klanglichen Erforschung durch erweiterte instrumentale Spieltechniken, die Suche nach gänzlich neuen Klängen mittels Präparationen einen großen Raum ein und ist mittlerweile ein integraler Bestandteil seiner Arbeit als Instrumentalist.
Internationale Konzerttätigkeit in Clubs und auf Festivals in Europa, Nahost, Amerika, Australien und Asien Solo und zusammen mit namhaften Vertretern des Genres (u.a. Liz Allbee, Burkhard Beins, Nicolas Collins, Gunda Gottschalk, Lou Grassi, Michael Griener, Carl Ludwig Hübsch, Thomas Lehn, Jerome Noetinger, Tim Perkis, Melvyn Poore, Gino Robair, Richard Scott, Rie Watanabe, Simon Rummel Ensemble, Ensemble hand werk, London Improvisers Orchestra …
CD- und Rundfunkproduktionen
Creative Sources, Umlaut records, Acheulian Handaxe, FreeElephant, Umland records, nurnichtnur, WDR, Radio Bremen, BR
„Wissel plays alto and tenor in the course of these seven concentrated instances of outward bound saxophonics, recorded before an audience in Cologne last September. Navigation is an apt metaphor. These waters are scarcely uncharted these days, but they remain hazardous, posing risks through shallows of cliche and reefs of formlessness. Wissel not only carries an impressive cargo of once exotic techniques, he also steers an assured and efficient course. Overtones and multiphonics are incorporated as the stuff of the music rather than tacked on as arbitrary embellishments. It all makes sense and is the right length – less than 40 minutes, enough to hold the imagination without draining it.“
Julian Cowley, THE WIRE (England) about Wissel’s solo-CD The Arte Of Navigation
Paul Lytton – Gb, Drums, Percussion, Live Electronics, Home-Made Instruments
Born 1947 in London. Studied drums privately from age of 16.
Played dance music and then introduced to jazz. Played with many of the jazz fraternity in London from ’66 to ’69, at the same time took private tabla lessons from P.R. Desai for about 5 years.
Became interested in European improvised music end ’69 through contact with musicians such as Evan Parker, Tony Oxley and Derek Bailey.
Developed own instrumentarium including home-made drums and amplified instruments and objects.
Founder member of the London Musician’s Co-op.
Played on the London Improvisors’ scene from ’70 till ’75.
Founder member of the Aachen Musicians’ Co-op in ’76.
Over the years has free lanced on the European scene with most of the established players in different combinations.
Solo work, an exhibition of home-made instruments in Wuppertal in 1980,
Solo concerts; Tours, concerts, radio in Europe, USA, Canada, Japan.
Represented on Island, Incus, Moers, Cramps, Hohe Ufer Konzerte, Horo, Po Torch, Uhlklang, SAJ, JND, Bead, Intakt, ECM, Leo Records, CIMP, Rastascan, Maya, Hybrid, Emanem, Wobbly Rail.
THE PERCUSSIONIST’S WORLD has expanded further and further while remaining, essentially, the same: (s)he uses the raw materials that percussionists have used since
music began, but the methods and combinations of methods have evolved to the most all-embracing lengths. A percussionist can use almost anything. Paul Lytton has for
many years added the extra dimension of ‘live electronics’ to his operations with percussion. The results are unique. He doesn’t so much abolish timekeeping as recreate
time in a still, huge space; great masses of tone and structure seem to hang in the air. It’s a disquieting experience.
R. Cook
Paul Lytton – table top percussion, bits and pieces
Georg Wissel – saxophones & preparations
Please read our infos concerning concerts with an audience during the Corona pandemic here. Information about prices, ticket reservations and our opening times can be found here
WISSEL&LYTTON began their collaboration as a duo in 2006, after they had already gotten to know and appreciate each other in various large formations.
Wissel uses a wide variety of utensils to prepare his instruments in addition to extended playing techniques, while Lytton arranges and brings to life his trove of carefully selected sound generators from household and percussion on his ‘table’.
Thus WISSEL&LYTTON’s set-up definitely has the character of an acoustic workshop.
The duo plays without predetermined concepts or arrangements.
The listeners become equal witnesses of an associative artistic process, in the course of which a differentiated noise-sound-art-music is created with as much pleasure in sound as sensitivity.
“Wissel’s and Lytton’s set in belgrade was pretty mental. It’s amazing they keep their faces straight while playing such dense, absurdist music. Free improv that makes any sound, no matter how random, become part of their set? Yes please!”
Meho Krljic in Jazzin’ RS about WISSEL&LYTTON @ Ring Ring Festival, Belgrade, Serbia