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HMZ META CULTURE | live recording
Saturday 20. November 2021 - 20:30
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Angélica Castelló – Paetzold, Tapes & Radios
Shiau-Shiuan Hung – Perkussion
Sandra Weiss – Fagott, Saxophon
Carl Ludwig Hübsch – Tuba
Tiziana Bertoncini – Violine
Philip Zoubek – Piano
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Der Konzertbesuch ist grundsätzlich auch ohne vorherige Anmeldung / Reservierung möglich, Kartenreservierungen helfen uns jeoch bei der Planung der Bestuhlung.

Ausgehend von der Musik des Trios HÜBSCH MARTEL ZOUBEK macht sich ein Sextett auf die Suche nach dem gemeinsamen Sound, nach einer Musik, die jenseits von kulturellen, genre- oder anderen Grenzen Gültigkeit hat. Gibt es eine Weltformel für eine improvisative, aktuelle Musik? Gibt es Klänge, die unabhängig vom kulturellen Kontext verstanden werden? Erweiterung, Veränderung, anders hören: Drei Solistinnen unterschiedlicher Herkunft treffen auf ein eingespieltes Ensemble.
Nach abgeschlossenen Studiengängen in Violine am Konservatorium in Siena und in Malerei an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Carrara, arbeitete Tiziana Bertoncini als Interpretin in Orchestern und Kammermusikensembles und für Tanz- und Theaterstücken.
Seit vielen Jahren gilt ihr Interesse der zeitgenössischen Musik und Improvisation. Ihre Arbeit entwickelt sich aus der Interpretation, zu Komposition und Zusammenarbeit mit Künstlern anderer Medien. Generell gilt ihr Interesse der Synthese und der Kreuzung von Improvisation und Komposition, visueller Elemente und Musik.
Sie war zu Gast bei einer Vielzahl internationaler Festivals. Sie hat bei Tanz-, Theater-, Video- und anderen Multi-Media-Projekten mitgewirkt und maßgeblich zur musikalischen Gestaltung beigetragen.
Ihre “solo” Arbeit umfasst Kompositionen, Performances und Installationen.
Sie ist Mitglied des ensemble]h[iatus, das sich mit Interpretation und Improvisation beschäftigt.
In 2008 war sie Stipendiatin des “Bridge Guard Residential Art/Science Centre” in Stúrovo (SK), in 2009 des A.I.R. Krems (A) und in 2013 des Centre National de Création Musicale Césaré, Reims (F).
Von 1996 bis 2001 war sie Gastdozentin bei den in Italien durchgeführten Sommerkursen der New York University. Dort leitete sie Kurse für zeitgenössische Improvisation und für erweiterte Spieltechniken der Violine.
Angélica Castelló – Paetzold, Tapes & Radios
Shiau-Shiuan Hung – Percussion
Sandra Weiss – bassoon, saxophone
Carl Ludwig Hübsch – tuba
Tiziana Bertoncini – violine
Philip Zoubek – piano
Please read our infos concerning concerts with an audience during the Corona pandemic here. Information about prices, ticket reservations and our opening times can be found here.
In principle, the concert visit is also possible WITHOUT prior registration / reservation, but ticket reservations help us in planning the seating.
Based on the music of the trio HÜBSCH MARTEL ZOUBEK, a sextet sets out in search of a common sound, a music that is valid beyond cultural, genre or other boundaries. Is there a world formula for improvisational, contemporary music? Are there sounds that are understood independently of cultural context? Expansion, change, listening differently: Three soloists from different backgrounds meet a well-rehearsed ensemble.
After completing studies in violin at the Conservatory in Siena and in painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara, Tiziana Bertoncini worked as a performer in orchestras and chamber music ensembles and for dance and theater pieces.
For many years her interest has been in contemporary music and improvisation. Her work evolves from interpretation, to composition and collaboration with artists in other media. In general, her interest is in the synthesis and intersection of improvisation and composition, visual elements and music.
She has been a guest artist at a variety of international festivals. She has participated in dance, theater, video and other multi-media projects, contributing significantly to the musical design.
Her “solo” work includes compositions, performances and installations.
She is a member of ensemble]h[iatus, which focuses on interpretation and improvisation.
In 2008 she was a fellow of the “Bridge Guard Residential Art/Science Centre” in Stúrovo (SK), in 2009 of the A.I.R. Krems (A) and in 2013 of the Centre National de Création Musicale Césaré, Reims (F).
From 1996 to 2001 she was a guest lecturer at the New York University summer courses held in Italy. There she taught courses for contemporary improvisation and for extended playing techniques of the violin.
HÜBSCH MARTEL ZOUBEK have been playing together since their first meeting, at the Loft zu Köln, June 2012. After the release of their first concert as an album on the Berlin label Schraum, they gave more concerts in Europe and were recorded by ORF and Radio France. The second album “drought” was released in autumn 2016 on the Canadian label tourdebras. It was followed by an extensive tour of Canada and Europe.
In the instrumentation of viola da gamba, piano and tuba, a web of sound emerges that seems transparent and mysterious at the same time. Every note seems to be set exactly to the point and the individual voices are impressively interlocked. The advanced playing techniques of the three musicians create such musical variety in their interplay that, despite many quiet passages and pauses, it is far from being an anemic reductionist exercise.
With Angélicá Castello, Sandra Weiss and Shiau-Shiuan Hung, the three musicians have specifically chosen comrades-in-arms who have consistently developed their very own music on the basis of a broadly diversified background – be it musical or biographical.