Wednesday 26. February 2025 - 20:00
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Lucia Mense – Blockflöten
Angelika Sheridan – Flöte
Holger Werner – Klarinetten
Annette Maye – Klarinetten
Frank Gratkowski – Saxophon, Klarinette, Flöte
Georg Wissel – Saxophon, Klarinette
Leonhard Huhn – Saxophon, Klarinetten
Matthias Schubert – Saxophon
Victor Fox – Saxophon
Silvan Schmid – Trompete
Moritz Wesp – Posaune
Carl Ludwig Hübsch – Tuba
Axel Lindner – Violine
Carter Williams – Viola d’amore
Vincent Royer – Viola
Constantin Herzog – Bass
Elisabeth Coudoux – Cello
Darius Heid – Piano
(english: see below)
Weitere Informationen zu den Preisen, Karten-Reservierungen und den Öffnungszeiten finden Sie hier.
Das Multiple Joy[ce] Orchestra lädt zu einer neuen abenteuerlichen Klangreise ins LOFT.

Als Gastkomponistin ist dieses Mal die Cellistin, Improvisatorin und Komponistin Elisabeth Coudoux dabei. Sie wird mit einem eigens geschriebenen Stück das Ensemble inspirieren und herausfordern. Andere Kompositionen kommen von den Ensemble-Leitern Gratkowski, Schubert und Hübsch, die mit ihren Vorgaben den Bogen zwischen strukturellem Denken und spontaner Expressivität spannen.
Angelika Sheridan – flute
Holger Werner – clarinets
Annette Maye – clarinets
Frank Gratkowski – saxophone, clarinet, flute
Georg Wissel – saxophone, clarinet
Leonhard Huhn – saxophone, clarinets
Matthias Schubert – saxophone
Victor Fox – saxophone
Silvan Schmid – trumpet
Moritz Wesp – trombone
Carl Ludwig Hübsch – tuba
Axel Lindner – violin
Carter Williams – viola d’amore
Vincent Royer – viola
Elisabeth Coudoux – cello
Constantin Herzog – bass
Darius Heid – piano
Further information about prices, ticket reservations and our opening times can be found here.
The Multiple Joy[ce] Orchestra invites you to a new adventurous sound journey at LOFT.
This time, the cellist, improviser and composer Elisabeth Coudoux will be a guest composer. She will inspire and challenge the ensemble with a piece she has written herself. Other compositions come from the ensemble leaders Gratkowski, Schubert and Hübsch, who with their specifications span the gap between structural thinking and spontaneous expressivity.
Whether the expected compositions really have anything to do with artificial intelligence cannot be predicted at this stage. In any case, the topic will attract many soulful spirits of all stripes to the loft, who will have little time to think about the title. A classic win-win situation.