Anläßlich des Jazzfests in Bonn vom 26. April bis 12. Mai 2018 hat das Internationalen Besucherprogramm des NRW KULTURsekretariats eine Pressereise für sieben international-renommierte Jazzjournalisten und Experten organisiert, um relevante Institutionen und Orte zu besuchen sowie Gespräche mit Multiplikatoren und Institutionsleitern zu führen. Auch dem LOFT wurde ein Besuch abgestattet.
Vom ihren Eindrücken (und auch vom LOFT) berichtet Yinka Olatunbosun von THIS DAY aus Nigeria:
„Next, the group moved to LOFT where the vivacious Dr. Benedickt Muller (sic!), clad in unbuttoned checkered shirt and jeans was waiting with a warm smile and a big piece of cake right at the bar. His fast speech was heart-racing, making it difficult to grab a piece of the edible while taking notes. The look of LOFT is quite deceptive from the outside. It could have been just another residential building; but it was a former perfume factory. But in 1986, its Foundation was laid just simultaneously with the opening of Cologne Philharmonic Hall and the concert hall in Stadtgarten. After an elaborate renovation, the space is the hub of musicians with its recording studio, lounge and mini dance floor. Ascending the building, the volume of fliers and handbills gave a clue as to the frequency of cultural activations at the LOFT.
Dr Muller’s father, Hans Martin Mueller, a flutist and former teacher at Musikhochschule rented the unused space as a performance space for improvised, contemporary and jazz music. Most jazz musicians from Cologne who have risen to international fame had honed their skills at the LOFT. In fact, the Cologne Triennnale and DLF have held concerts at the LOFT.“